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EmmaWell's free mobile app provides evidence-based guidance throughout your pregnancy and the 4th trimester via text messages and interactive checklists along with assisting you in creating a postpartum care plan and monitoring your mental health.

Ensure you are prepared both physically and mentally for pregnancy as well as the challenges ahead during your postpartum and parenthood journey.


Try out EmmaWell’s free mobile app through the browser of your mobile device.

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Existing Users:


After signing up, you can opt-in to receive regular, informative text messages.  Our expert, evidence-based content is designed to guide you through each week of your pregnancy and beyond, and provide you with planning tools to help prepare you for the postpartum period.  

Anticipatory guidance has been proven to improve maternal mental well-being so you feel more prepared for parenthood, thus reducing the risk of depression or anxiety.*

* To optimize postpartum care, anticipatory guidance should begin during pregnancy with development of a postpartum care plan that addresses the transition to parenthood and well-woman care.


Optimizing Postpartum Care, ACOG May 2018

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